Tuesday, May 5th: 4 miles in 41 minutes on treadmill. I paused my run five or six times due to child interruptions. I was okay with that though because I seem to get tired quicker on a treadmill, so I welcomed the interruptions.
Wednesday, May 6th: Speed workout at track. I’d guess I ran maybe 4 miles total. I planned to do a faster mile, then an easy lap, then fast mile, etc. Things didn’t go as planned. Mainly because it was HOT outside. I'm talking HOT. I ended up doing two or three laps fast, then a slower one. Hot.
Thursday, May 7th: Rest.
Friday, May 8th: 30 minutes on exercise bike. NBA playoffs help to pass the time a little quicker.
Saturday, May 9th: 6.3 miles in 72 minutes. Mel and I had a chance to run together today which was fun. Mel hasn’t been running quite as long so she’s a little slower, but she is able to run farther than I could for the amount of time she’s been at it. It makes me happy when I catch her reading the Runner's World magazines I check out from the library.
Later in the day I went on a hike in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve with my brother-in-law Matt. I’d guess we covered 4-5 miles. During the hike we came across a desert tortoise and a huge snake that could have eaten one of my children for a light snack. We guessed it was probably 4 feet long and was about as thick as a racquetball.

Stay tuned for some exciting news in preparation for the marathon. There are some big partnerships developing. This will be huge!
oh i am so excited!! what is it? way to go. i think tom is going to change the trck workout to thursday morning. so hopefully you can make it because no one shoul dhave to run speed when it is as hot as it was the other night. i still don't think i have recovered, yet.