I signed up for my next ultramarathon: The Zion 100!

I will be honest, this scares the Gatorade right out of me. The course is challenging and I'm nervous about the heat (the race is May 11th and 12th 2012). But there are a few reasons why I couldn't pass it up:
1) It's right in my backyard. I love the thought that I won't have to travel and can sleep in my own bed the night before the race.
2) I know some of the trails well, and will be able to train on the course.
3) This is the innagural race (there is a 50 miler as well).
I would love to have you sign up. I want you to join me on this adventure and see what it's like to push your body to the max and then keep pushing it. (Remember? Misery loves company.) CLICK HERE to visit the race website for more information. I will be happy to give you any training tips or coaching based on my fairly limited experience.
Pre-race party at my house? I'll bring the Twinkies.
I might just do this with ya. At least the 50.
ReplyDeleteWay to go!!!!!!!! That is very exciting! Go You!
ReplyDeleteYou are crazy!
ReplyDeleteHowever, I now really REALLY want to do this (the 50). Let me see- who can I talk into doing it with me...
How exciting!!!! If my May wasn't already planned out I would really consider it. You are so lucky to have such amazing places to run out there. I can't wait to hear about all the training :) Thanks again for all the help, I've been reading over the training plans already this morning!
ReplyDelete#1 is a FANTASTIC reason to choose a race, in my opinion. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI knew you bit the bug :) Glad you will wait until May and get healed first. Those feet must still be tender.
I love Zion's. It's beautiful country for sure. I hiked Angel's Landing for my first time this year. You are incredible to have the desire to do ANOTHER 100 so close to finishing your previous one. What's the oldest person you've seen do these 100's? When is a person too old? I'm still working up the courage to try a marathon. I'm hoping to do that sometime next year. But longer distances do intrigue me. Maybe someday.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness you are a glutton for punishment..I love it! You are so hardcore! Although if it were close to me i would be tempted too!
ReplyDeleteZion sounds so cool. I can't believe you're going to do another one. You must be mad! ...and mad hatter mad, not angry! lol
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me that my 3 mile run this morning isn't quite enough prep for this baby....but I'll love hearing YOUR story about it! :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE this! you are seriously awesome! sounds like the perfect ultra for you ;)
ReplyDeleteI signed up for a measly 26.2 miles on May 19th, so I’m just not sure I could fit that race you’re doing into my schedule. Maybe the next year? Ha. Not… But, I suuuure like to read your blog and see your pictures. In fact, that picture of your feet… may just well seal the deal that I’ll never in fact do 100 miles in this lifetime.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the invitation, but um, no. I can hardly even make it through a marathon. I'm a wuss!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to read about your continuing adventures! Nothing gets me on the edge of my seat like finding out how many toenails my friends have lost!
You are a freaking rockstar!! I'd love to come down and help pace if you know people that decide to sign up or if your looking for a pacer yourself. I'm not ready for a 100 miler but very inspired by all those who are.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought I was cool signing up for my second marathon... Excellent blog Cory! Thanks for the inspiration!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Already signed up for another? You're the man! I think I'll sit this one out this time, but I'll enjoy watching your journey from this side of the country.
ReplyDeleteAre you an ultra addict already?! Excited for you and no way in hell will I join you...not even for the 50 miler ;) I am still working my way up to a marathon!
ReplyDeleteHi from a new follower! Fabulous blog. My husband wants to run his first 100 miler in 2012 and I want to run my first 50 miler in addition to 12 half marathons in 2012 (and a fall full if I can fit it in). Runners really are a little crazy :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I both enjoyed reading your Javelina recap.
[Fitness, Health and Happiness]
You are a maniac!!! I will not be joining you because, quite frankly, I still think the marathon is an insane distance. I need to get control of that. That being said, I cannot wait to live vicariously through you again! I think you've found your niche. The Energizer Bunny- only powered by Hostess.
ReplyDeleteIf I thought I could keep my IT Band problems away I would try a 50 no problem. I really wanna do one and you're a great inspiration!
ReplyDeleteOh, man, if we had the travel budget, I'd be alllll over that 50 miler. At least, I'd think hard about it. When we were out that way several years ago, we hit Arches, Bryce, and Canyonlands...but not Zion, and I've regretted it ever since.
ReplyDeleteWow!! Cory you are both crazy and amazing!! Seriously though. I think I may need a few more marathons under my belt before I tackle on of these!!
ReplyDeleteOhh I'd come out and do the 50! I see other people are tempted too. Let's have a blogger meet up and 50 mile party. K? You bring the Hostess treats, I'll bring the Marathon Bars and we'll all jump for joy! In all seriousness though...my plans for my 50 miler here fell through so traveling might be an option.