Tuesday, September 7th 2010: 4 miles @ 9:59 per mile pace.
Wednesday, September 8th 2010: Rest.
Thursday, September 9th 2010: 5 miles @ 9:54 per mile pace. Sometimes because of work I need to run obscenely early in the morning. This was one of those mornings. Ouch.
Friday, September 10th 2010: 27.3 miles on the new bike @ 14.4 mph. This was my first ride on the new bike. I went to the Sky Mountain Airport then the Sand Hollow loop. Parts of the road were really bumpy and it felt like I was in a washing machine with a brick. But on smooth road it felt like I was floating.
This was my first experience using clip pedals. Cory's feet clipped into pedals = accident waiting to happen. I had two near-accidents. One time I was stopping and unclipped my left shoe. But my bike leaned to the right. Woops. I narrowly avoided falling but got the seat RAMMED into my right cheek (and not the one on my face).
By the end my legs felt like Flubber. I'll admit: my first ride was a little discouraging. The pedals are really intimidating. Riding seems so complicated. With running I can just tie my shoes and go. Biking is intricate and seems risky. I have to remind myself that I'm a rookie and I will get better with time. I always feel really bad when people start running but then give up because it's hard or it hurts. I want to tell them that it will get easier and they will get faster and it won't hurt as much. I hope the same applies to me on the bike.
Something really bad happened Friday. Forgive me, for I have sinned. I ate not one Big Mac combo. But TWO BIG MAC COMBOS! IN ONE DAY! That is so completely disgusting. I am ashamed of myself.

I justified my actions by saying that 1) I burned 1354 calories on the bike, and 2) I hadn't eaten a Big Mac since May when I had the Pre-Marathon-Big-Mac-Tragedy. I don't know what got into me Friday. Ronald McDonald is evil. I shouldn't go to his house anymore.

Saturday, September 11th 2010: 7 miles @ 8:54 per mile pace. (Not counting a few water stops.) I felt good for the whole run and was able to keep a pretty good kick. Right now with the Top Of Utah Marathon one week away I'm feeling confident in my pace. But more importantly, NOTHING HURTS. I don't have any injuries or nagging pains. Sometime this week I'll fill you in on my game plan for the race (which DOES NOT include a trip to McDonalds over the next 7 days).
"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself."
~ John "The Penguin" Bingham
Okay trying to decide if the walk/run thing really is faster. I am afraid to try it in case it's not! You really believe it is huh? Thought it was run a mile then walk a minute. You do run 5 minutes then walk a minute? More info! I just ran the TOU too! It was my first and my calves hurt so bad at mile 21 I had to walk at least half of the last four miles. So discouraging! I have always wanted to try the Jeff Galloway thing but kinda worried it's a crock!