Tuesday, October 26th 2010: 4 miles @ 9:03 minutes per mile pace. You would not believe how insanely cold it was in the morning when I went running. It was windy and I didn't expect it to be that cold so I didn't dress warm enough. I would have paid good money for some Band-Aids to cover my nips. If I had gone only one more mile I would have surely cut holes through my shirt.
Wednesday, October 27th 2010: 4 miles @ track. We did a speed workout at the track with the gaggle of other crazy runners in the neighborhood. I did six 800's (twice around the track) with my times being: 3:36, 3:37, 3:35, 3:43, 3:30, and 3:22. Last week I was on the brink of vomit but this week I was a little faster and didn't have even one chunky burp.
Thursday, October 28th 2010: 19 miles @ 10:26 per mile pace. I knew we were going to have things going Friday and Saturday and that I wouldn't be able to do my last really long run before the Mesquite Marathon unless I did it Thursday night. I had a long day at work, got home late, and started running late. Here is the view out my front door as I was leaving:

It was dark and I didn't want to be too far away from home so I pulled the same stunt as last week and did the one-mile loop around the block. For. Nineteen. Miles. When writing this I realize how completely ridiculous this sounds. It was definitely not the optimal setting to run 19 miles considering that I was already worn out from the day.
Here are my "Cup Half Full" thoughts about the run:
But honestly, the wind was pretty insane. I took this picture along the way to show how windy it was:

Friday, October 29th 2010: Nothing.
Saturday, October 30th 2010: Spooktacular 5k - 25 minutes & 12 seconds. This was only the second 5k race I have run. Costumes were encouraged for the race so I decided to take a risk and completely abandon any shred of self-dignity. My sister-in-law found a clogging uniform from when she was 12 YEARS OLD and challenged me to squeeze myself into it. Combined with an ugly wig, I look like a combination of:

I pushed as hard as I felt capable of and finished with an average 8:23/mile pace. I felt sorry for the few people I passed who must have felt embarrassed to be passed by a nerdy guy wearing sequins. I'm sure they weren't as embarrassed as I was while I ran through the streets while cars drove by.

At the end I competed in the Men's Sprint race. Then my friend Tom had the brilliant idea to compete in the Women's Sprint race right afterward:

Aside from my Ugliest Female Runner stunt on Saturday, I feel proud of myself for what I accomplished this month. I ran 125 miles in October which is the most I have ever run in a month. I am still an exceptionally average runner but it feels good to know I'm working hard and doing the best I can.
"If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, that willpower is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I am tired? That's besides the point. It's simply just that I have to."
~ Emil Zatopek, Olympic runner
I came across your blog from the running center facebook page- (to look at the SG marathon pictures) and I never would know who you are or anything if you didn't wear that cheerleading outfit. :)
ReplyDeleteI ran the Spooktacular 5k (in 30:47) and saw you. ( though it was only 3.02 mi)
Just wanted to say hi!