Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Watch My Friends on Jay Leno Friday Night!

In my other life I'm a piano player and have been fortunate enough to become friends with some incredible musicians over the years.

A few of those friends are The Piano Guys whose videos have a collective 145 MILLION (nope, not a typo) views on Youtube. (Take that Justin Bieber!) Jon Schmidt plays piano, Steven Sharp Nelson on cello, and Paul Anderson is behind the scenes coordinating everything. Want to know something positively awesome?

They are going to be on Jay Leno this Friday night, September 28th!

When was the last time you saw a piano/cello duo on Jay Leno? I think the last time that happened was, um, never. Insane, crazy success couldn't happen to nicer guys. As a teaser for Leno, here is one of their recent songs (a la Bourne Identity):


  1. Holy wow - major talent there. The One Direction song is amazing too - thanks for the share!

  2. They are AMAZING! Saw them with my son at Thanksgiving Point a few weeks ago. My kids are all obsessed. An obsession I'm happy about. They are talented guys, happy guys, good guys. What could be better? Tivo set. Thanks so much for the heads up!

  3. I pretty much love those guys and my son (who's four) wants to play the cello just like Steve (who ironically enough my Mom went to school with when she went back for her choral education degree at the U).

    You have awesome friends.

  4. I really enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing :-)

  5. Boo Leno, (Team Coco!) but I love Jon Schmidt's song Waterfall. First heard it in Argentina of all places because a friend would play it anytime we were near a piano.
