Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A First Group Trail Run

Last week I mentioned scheduling a beginner trail run. I really wanted to show people firsthand the amazing scenery that is almost in our backyard. 15 people with varying speed and ability showed up and I had a blast with everyone. Some runners had never been on a trail before so I gave a few tips before we started:
  • Keep in mind that your pace will be slower than road running because of the hills and constantly changing running surface. That's okay. Don't worry about it.
  • Shorten your stride compared to how you run on the road.
  • Keep some space between you and the runner in front of you so you can keep a good view of what's coming up on the trail.
  • Stay focused. As soon as you stop paying attention to what you're doing, you will sprain an ankle or get a mouth full of dirt. (Yes, lesson learned the hard way.)
A few runners wanted to take advantage of the views to get a jumping picture. Elizabeth Dansie was the first to put her rubber band legs to the test:

I was also impressed by the smooth finesse of Aimee Langston (with some loving coaching from her husband Josh in the background):

Followed by Ultraspire Cool Kid On The Block Cherie Santiago. She eats pogo sticks for breakfast:

At the turnaround point some runners decided to go farther. I took a splinter group on a side trail to show them an amazing overlook. Thanks to the self-timer, you can't see that we're standing on the edge of a cliff. I am ever so grateful that my wife standing next to me decided she wouldn't push me off:

Cherie and Karrie Nielson were screaming down the trail so fast that I barely had time to take a picture of them mid-stride. This picture was in no way staged. I promise. No way. (At least by me.)

I had lots of fun talking with friends like Alex Santiago and Logan Murphy during the run. It made our seven miles go by very quickly.

One of the runners suggested we should get a group jumping picture. We caught as much air as a jumping filing cabinet:

I can't figure out if my friend Jason Smith on the far left is Spiderman or a ninja. Either way, I wouldn't want to mess with him. I had so much fun on our totally casual, no-pressure, introductory trail run. The only thing that needs to be changed is to have donuts at the end. Next time. Next time.


  1. ahhhh!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! i really want to go trail running with you sometime! looks like a blast!

  2. Next time I will be there with you guys running! I need to get some trail runs in if I am going to be a decent pacer. That was one huge cow......maybe she was prego because that is a little what I looked liked at 9 months prego. I have the pictures to prove it.

    1. I'm so happy that you'll be joining us on the trail! I'll let you know next time there is a group run. (And thanks again for the Oreo balls. Mmmmm.)

  3. HAHAHAHA! They were catching some serious air in some of those pics!

    1. I agree, they did awesome. And on their first try!

  4. Those jumping pictures are awesome! That's what our trail runs have been missing. :)

    1. Well, that and donuts. I was happy to hear that you use candy for pre-run fueling as much as I do.

  5. Looks like so much fun. You're so right about concentrating - I have always come home from trail runs mentally tired.

  6. I totally want to come visit and run with you sometime! Beautiful scenery and GREAT pics! Looks like an awesome day!

    1. I think you and Jim should come this direction to do a race. I'd love to participate in your pre-race break dancing.

  7. I wish I could join your group, Cory! It looks like so much fun and in such a beautiful spot.

  8. nice! the "non posed" stride is amazing on those two.

  9. Hilarious! Those pictures of people trying to jump kill me! You at least got some sweet air in the last one. I'm glad you all had fun. It looked like a great time!

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